Broken Shovel Wiki

Welcome to the Broken Shovel!

Newest Game: Symposium



Saturday 19.3.2011


On "Gillesgården" in the centrum of Turku



Welcome to the Broken Shovel Tavern. Grab a glass of ale, a bowl of our world-famous noodle stew and sit down and tell stories of your adventures.Everybody is welcome to contribute, especially players in one of the related larps, of course.

About the Broken Shovel, Marland and the Known World

The Broken Shovel Wiki is a collection of material about a world created for LARPing. It is presented in Wiki format in order to be easily extendable and accesible for both players and GMs. Where possible, players are invited to work on it along with the original creators, either adding stories about their experiences during larps or extending the background of cities, countries or legends. However, the GMs will have the last word on everything.

At the same time, the Broken Shovel Tavern was the site of our first larp in the world - a small inn at the borderlands of the kingdom of Marland. It is currently not operated anymore, unfortunately, but has moved to the planes of the world wide web instead.
